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Freedom of Information

The right to access government held information is paramount to transparency and accountability. Obtaining documents under freedom of information (FoI) processes can help you understand what is going on behind the scenes and whether you and your business are being treated fairly by government bodies.


The Commonwealth government and each state/ territory government has its own FoI scheme. For example, in Queensland FoI is called Right to Information and in New South  Wales FoI is governed by the Government Information (Public Access) Act (GIPA).


Our senior FoI lawyer, Alison Lovell, has unparalleled experience having worked as a FoI decision maker for the Queensland government and more recently representing our clients who seek government held information.


Our services include:


  • assistance with FoI access applications


  • liaising with government to access information administratively (i.e. without the need for a formal application)


  • assessing FoI decisions and released information


  • Information Commissioner reviews of access to information decisions

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